Friday, January 15, 2021

Refilling the Well


Today, some throwback shots to a trip taken to Egypt in January 2019. I went to visit family and to explore, but left with so much more than pretty shots on my camera.


Writers often talk about refilling the well between books. There’s a need to get away from the computer to gain perspective and learn something new. Travel has always done that for me, whether it's to a different part of the world or to the next state. Not only does travel provide fresh story ideas, I love having the opportunity to experience a new culture, from its food to its architecture to its etiquette and traditions. Learning about daily routines, clothing, humor, the weather, even picking up the different sounds and smells…it goes far beyond visiting a few bucket list tourist sites. It's all a joy.

Though this trip was two years ago, it feels distant. 

Here’s hoping we can all travel safely soon. 


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